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Step one: read through the 'Saving Motley Wood' story resolution.

Can you identify where fronted adverbials have been used? 

Step two: read through your resolution part of the plan.


Step three: use the 'Saving Motley Wood' resolution and your plan to help you write your own.

Look at Miss Hall's example below to help.

She looked at her plan to help her write.



“We can’t let the flying centre be built in the meadow! We have to save it. Will you help me save it?” Lucy said leaping out of her seat.

“I will,” cried Dad. “It troubles me to think the council are willing to let someone build in an area where there are endangered butterflies. It’s unbelievable!”

   Mum ignored them both and continued with her knitting. She was pleased about the flying centre. After a few hours of talking and planning, Dad and Lucy had come up with an idea to save the meadow. They hoped it would work.

   Early the next morning, Lucy and her Dad got up and contacted Greenpeace about the disturbing news. They wanted Greenpeace’s support to defend the meadow and every special insect and plant that lived within it. It had the effect they had hoped for. Most members of Greenpeace were shocked that a meadow with endangered butterflies was going to be destroyed and replaced with a flying centre that could be built in a different place. Because of this, Lucy, Dad and Greenpeace protested outside the meadow and set up camp. They were ready for the fight. These protests attracted media attention and public support from near and far. Soon, everyone was calling for the meadow to be saved. Weeks later, the growing pressure from Greenpeace, Lucy, her Dad and the public worked and the plan to destroy the meadow had to be stopped. The flying centre was to be relocated to another place. They’d saved the meadow!


Fronted Adverbials marked with a comma      Magpie Ideas


Use the scaffold below to help you write. Can you magpie ideas from the text and create your own fronted adverbials?



“We can’t let the ________ be built in the _______ ! We have to save it. Will you help me save it?” ______ said __________________.

“I will,” cried ______. “It _______________________________. It’s _____________!”

   Mum ignored _____________________________. She was pleased about ______________________. After a few hours of talking and planning, ____________________________. _________________.

   Early the next morning, __________________________________

_____________. __________________________. It had the effect they had hoped for. Most members of __________________________

_______________________________________________________. Because of this, _____, ______ and ___________________________

____________________. They were ready for the fight. These ___________ attracted ______________________. Soon, ________

___________________________. Weeks later, the growing pressure 

________________, ______, ______ and __________ worked and the plan to destroy the ____________ had to be stopped. The __________

was to be relocated to another place. They’d saved ____________!
