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Summer Term 1

This term our topic was...






In maths, the children focused on money, mass, volume and length.

First, they learned how to count and record money in pounds and pence, making links between tenths and hundredths and decimal notation. Also, they compared, converted and rounded amounts of money. After this, the children learned how to convert units of measure. 

In science, the children looked at how food chains work within an ecosystem and what would happen if one part of the food chain changed. Then, they used this knowledge to understand how changes to an environment could endanger living things, focusing on native and invasive species. They discussed and investigated 'Does introducing a non-invasive species to an ecosystem make it better?' This linked to children's right to access information and the global goals. From this work, they then created classification keys on native and invasive species. 

Does change always make things better?

Our second unit focused on journalistic writing.

Did you know that 503 new species were discovered by Natural History Museum scientists in 2020?  Well, we produced a newspaper report on the discovery of a new animal! Take a look at our reports.


Striking and Fielding: Cricket

We will demonstrate bowling underarm with accuracy and consistency. We will also learn how to strike a Cricket ball off a tee or drop feed using a Cricket bat. We will demonstrate how to catch and throw a Cricket ball when fielding. Finally, we will aim to use all the skills and tactics demonstrated and apply them into a modified Cricket game.  

Working hard on our bowing skills! 🏏

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Working hard on our batting skills! 🏏

Still image for this video