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Summer 2



In English, we will be learning about 101 and Dalmations and Discussion. 101 Dalmations will be used as an inspiration to write our own narratives. We will investigate the vocabulary used within a discussion text and write a discussion based on an issue from 101 Dalmations.




During Summer term 2, we will be using our Maths No Problem scheme of work. In year 5, our main focus will be measure, area and perimeter, volume and roman numerals.




Investigating volume of solids.



 This half term we will identify materials based on their properties and begin to understand that some changes of materials are reversible and some are irreversible. We will investigate the different ways of separating materials such as filtering, evaporation and sieving.




This half term, we will continue with our super exciting project where will be working in groups to set up a farm shop business to design, make and market a new lunch time food product using ingredients we have grown ourselves. We will be making a frittata!




In Geography we will be continuing our learning about South America.  We will begin to understand geographical similarities and differences between South America, Lancashire (which we studied in year 3) and the Italy (which was studied in Year 4) We will describe and compare key human features, including types of settlement and land use, economic activity and distribution of natural materials. 




In RE we will be looking at the Jewish religion with the key questions of ‘Do people need laws to guide them?’ 


ICT – Linked to Engineering


In ICT we will be learning about Computer Science.  Using ‘Lego We Do’ we will learn how to combine sequences of instructions and procedures to turn devices on and off and design algorithms that use repetition & 2-way selection. 


P.E - Athletics 

In Athletics, we will perform running techniques for short and long distances. We will perform various push, pull, and sling throws and use a combination of jumps focusing on take-off and land. Take part in a class Athletics event and set personal goals to improve our performances.



We will follow the Charanga scheme. Our unit for the term will be ‘words, meanings and expressions. We will discuss the following question:

How does music shape our lives?



In PSHCE, we will be learning about how to keep healthy and prevent ourselves from illnesses.  We will understand that bacteria and viruses can affect health and how everyday hygiene can limit the spread of infection. 

British Values, Rights Respecting and Concepts 


We will continue to develop our understanding of British Values linking them through our learning. 


Through Geography, we will explore the values of Mutual Respect and Tolerance. We will also focus on Article 24 (environment) in RRS. 

The Key concept within this topic will be: 'Is trade necessary?' 


Through PSHCE, we will be exploring the value of Individual Liberty. We will discuss the importance of looking after your health. 
