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Spring Term 2


In Literacy, we will be writing ‘Historical Narratives’. We will learn the ‘Boudicca’ song:


Back at the end of the Iron Age
Wife of Prasutagus, fierce with rage
Leads the Iceni with angry shout
Wants to drive the Romans out
Tribal warrior, Celtic Queen
Fiercer than Romans had ever seen


Metal-torc and bright red hair
Tattooed skin and angry glare
Horses thundering, chariot-ride
Thousands of warriors by her side
Attacks three cities with sparks of fire
Burns them into a funeral pyre


Back at the end of the Iron Age

Wife of Prasutagus, fierce with rage
Leads the Iceni with angry shout
Wants to drive the Romans out
Tribal warrior, Celtic Queen
Fiercer than Romans had ever seen

Boudicca! Boudicca! Boudicca! Boudicca! BOUDICCA!

This will be linked to our topic in History, Iron Age.



In Maths, we learned to recognise different coins and their value as well as adding and subtracting amounts of money.  It is a life time skill so if you have the opportunity whilst shopping to ask 'How much does this cost?' 'How much change will I get?' This will really support your child's learning.




We also learned about time.  We revised o'clock, half past, quarter past and too as well as learning how to tell the time to the nearest minute.



In year 3 we learn the x3 x4 and x8, as well as revising x2 x5 x10 and the division facts. Children can practice their times tables using TTRockstars.







In Topic we will be learning all about The Stone Age to Iron Age where we will be developing an understanding of similarities and differences across this period of time and how it compares to today.

We will use a range of sources to ask and answer questions as well as develop an understanding of the key aspects of rivers and how rivers were useful in the Stone Age.





In Science, we are learning all about the functions of the different parts of flowering plant.

We learned to identify and describe the functions of different parts of flowering plants: roots, stem/trunk, leaves and flowers. 

During Science week we set up experiments, asked questions and made relevant observations of how plants grew in different situations.






British Values and Rights Respecting School

We will continue to develop our understanding of British Values linking them through our learning and in our assembly times.


We will focus on two articles:

Article 13

Every child has the right to find things out and share what they think with others.


Article 15

Every child has the right to meet with other children and to join groups and organisations, as long as this doesn’t stop other people from enjoying their rights.






In Engineering we will be investigating levers in Spring 2.

We shall investigate different levers within pop-up books then we will design and create our own using sheet materials, being able to join and combine to create movement using varied techniques, such as slots, shapes and linkages.

This will be taught when we return to school.


RE - Christianity


During Spring 2 in RE we are learning about what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. We will be looking at 4 areas: 


(1) The Shared Human experience

(2) Beliefs and Values 

(3) Living Religious traditions 

(4) Search for personal meaning 

These areas will link very well with Stoneyholme Primary School key concepts ‘What does it mean to be a citizen?’ and ‘Does equality mean treating everyone the same?’. 





In PSHCE, we will be learning about Respectful Relationships and Communities.

We will understand what it means to treat others, and be treated, politely and to understand the reasons for rules and laws with school and the community.



In Well-being, we will be exploring lots of different exercises and activities that will help develop physical and emotional well-being.




OAA - Team Work & Problem Solving

In OAA, we will be cooperating and working together as a team to complete challenges. We will generate ideas,  try out different solutions, follow concise instructions and use individual strengths. We will support and encourage our team members. 



In Dance, we will select travelling actions and movements to convey different characters, along varied pathways. We will also create a sequence conveying a challenge using travel, turn, jump, stillness and gesture. Finally, we will combine all elements, in order to tell a story.  

Click here to see our amazing P.E work! 
