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Sensory Activities

Laundry Basket Game ๐Ÿงบ
Fill your laundry basket with your favourite toys and have a go at pushing it around your house. You can challenge yourself by adding heavier toys!
Join in with this Days of the Week song!
Ice and Water Sensory Bin

Put ice and water into a large container.  Use scoops and bowls to help you scoop and dump this mixture. Talk about what you can see and feel. 

Fun Taste Test

Use small amounts of different foods to have a taste test. Some of these might be foods that you've had before or they might be foods that you haven't yet tried.  You could take turns with your adult at trying them. Tell each other what you think: either by talking or by showing a thumbs up/down.๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘Ž

Plate Target Game
Write the numbers 1-5 on some paper plates. Stick the plates onto a wall with some bluetack. Use a ball or beanbag to hit the numbered plates. Call out the number you hit. See if you can hit the numbers in order. 
Walk the Line 

Tape some fun lines onto the floor: this can be zig-zagged, straight and wavy. Next walk the line of tape. Be careful not to come off the tape!

You might even want to move a toy of your choice along the lines. 

Chalk It
Use chalk you write your name on the ground outside. You might want to write numbers or even draw a picture of yourself. 
Trash Tower
Use any clean recyclable trash to make a tower. See how high you can build it. You can take a picture of your tower and show your teachers. 
Join in with this dance๐Ÿ’ƒ 
Cupcake Counting ๐Ÿง 

Number the inside of paper cupcake cases, 1-5. Use a tong to pick and release pompoms into these cases. Make sure you put the correct number of pompoms into the matching cupcake case. Good luck! ๐Ÿ‘ 
