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Tuesday 6th July

LC: To explain how the number and voltage of cells in a circuit links to the brightness of a lamp or the volume of a buzzer

Current and voltage in a circuit (more at

Still image for this video

Current and voltage in series and parallel circuits (more at

Still image for this video

You now need to go to Seesaw where you will complete the table that you saw in the slide. For each box where the amount of voltage changes, you need to predict what would happen to the bulb. Unfortunately, we cannot test our predictions but you can follow the link below to see if you can see if you were right. 


You need to play around with the circuit builder for a while but you should soon work it out. 


Choose a simple series circuit and try adding cells to see the effect. 

Finally, you need to answer the final question on the Seesaw template. 


How does the amount of cells (voltage) in a circuit affect other components such as a bulb or buzzer? 
