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Reading Lesson 2

LC: To use tone and intonation when reading aloud.
Read the text below, remembering to change your voice.

R- Where did Danny and his father live?


I - 'We are engineers, you and I' - How did Danny feel about this?


C -  The author uses many expanded noun phrases to describe the nouns in his story eg small table.

What effect does this have on the story?





LC: To explore and identify the main and subordinate clauses in complex sentences.


Using Seesaw or you blue blended learning book. Underline the main clause in each of these sentences.


The main clause can form a complete sentence on its own.


We had electric lights in the workshop, although we were not allowed them in the caravan.


When I needed a bath, my father would heat a kettle of water and pour it into the basin.


Click the link below to remind yourself about main and subordinate clauses.