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The school was dark. In the noiseless corridors the shadows leant against the walls like weary sentries and nothing stirred. And then, somewhere unseen, a door opened and closed and footsteps approached the long row of empty classrooms. 

The cleaners had long since gone home and left Bob Harte to lock up. It had been a long day. There had been a staff meeting after school, then a stack of papers to work through, and rather than cart it all home he had stayed on to finish it, so that now he was weary and not at all in a good temper. He was yawning and, to tell the truth, he had closed his eyes for a few steps so he did not see the computer screen suddenly wake up. The classroom was almost behind him when, from the corner of his eye, he saw the glow through the glass of the door.  

"What the devil!" He snatched at the door handle. "Those little ... !" He spoke a word that no teacher should use of his pupils and barged into the room. "Don't they ever turn anything off?" But even as he was reaching for the switch his tired eyes were taking in the message on the screen. 

R - Why had it been a long day for Bob Harte?


I - When he notices the computer screen wake up, why does he overreact in the way that he does?


C - 'He snatched at the door handle'. What does this suggest to us about how Bob opened the classroom door?  

Now read chapter 14. 


Compare ted and Kat's theories (predictions) of what happened to Salim with the ones that you thought of yesterday.


Are any of them the same or similar?


Now read Chapter 15.


How is the tension raised in this chapter?






