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Listen to Mrs Pickup reading the final part of The Enormous Crocodile.


Then have a go yourself. Remember to use tone and intonation whilst reading aloud.

The Enormous Crocodile part 3.

Still image for this video

R -Who did the Roly Poly bird sing to?

I - How did the Enormous Crocodile feel when The children all ran away?

C - Why did the author use 'sizzled like a sausage'? 


LC: to use the determiner a or an.


Read the sentences below, re-write them putting in the appropriate determiner a or an.  You can use Seesaw or your blue blended learning book.



Suddenly there was _____ tremendous whooshing noise.


There was _____ elephant hiding in the jungle.


They unpacked the picnic, they had ____ orange, ____ apple and ____ banana.



