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R: What did the little girl find on the beach?

I: How was the little girl feeling in the beginning?

C: Why did the author/director decide that the little girl would share what she found?


Monday 18th January 2021

L.C: Navigate texts in order to locate and retrieve information in print and on screen

Look at the information below about hamsters.

How can we use the structure of the text to help us retrieve information?


Reading hamsters 2.wav

If you look at the text above you can see that the information has been grouped into two columns.
  • Which column would we look at to find out what hamsters eat?
  • Which column would we find information about hamster's homes?

Reading hamsters text box.wav

What type of information is included the text box above?

I need to retrieve the information from the text above to answer the following questions:


hamsters skimming and scanning.wav

I used my skimming and scanning skills, looking for key words to help find the answers. 

I also know that Diet means food and drink, so if I need to find out what a hamster eats, it will be in the Diet column. 

reading hamsters questions.wav

When I write my answers,  they are written in full sentences that make sense. I have also included part of the question in my answer.

Eg: Why do you think that hamsters store food in their burrows?

I think that hamsters store food in their burrows to save for later so they can survive.

Reading sharks or tigers seesaw.wav

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Please complete your work on SeeSaw.

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