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Today we are going to be looking at justifying points using evidence from the text. First let's remember how we use our skimming and scanning skills to locate the information we need.


Read the pages below. You are going to be using these 3 pages to complete your task today, so it is important to think carefully about what happening in this part of the story. 


Think about how Macbeth is feeling throughout and how the witches are acting.


As you read, think about what points you could come up with yourself about the text.

Look at the model below. As you can see, the point has been provided. The point that has been identified is 'The moon was bright'. So straight away I am thinking, where can I find evidence that tells me that the moon was bright? 


First, I used skimming to identify where the information I need is.


Then, I scanned around the text and saw the word 'light'. I thought that this could be where I will find my evidence because lights are often bright. 


Next, I read around the word 'light' in the sentence. This evidence supported the point because it was nighttime in the story and the light from the moon was creating shadows, which tells me the moon was bright.


Using the pages 61, 62 and 63 that you have already read. Complete the 4 points below. You need to locate evidence in the text that supports each of these points.

I would like you to set it out in your book, as shown above. Write the date and LC in your blended learning book and complete your task like this:


Thursday 19th November

LC: To justify a point using evidence from the text.


1. Macbeth didn't want to be seen.

I know this because it says..._______________________________________________________



2. The weather was unpleasant.

I know this because it says..._______________________________________________________



3. Macbeth was petrified.

I know this because it says..._______________________________________________________



4. Macbeth was curious.

I know this because its says...______________________________________________________




When you have finished, send a picture of your writing to your teacher on Seesaw!
