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Watch the video below. This will help you understand root words.

Look at diagram below. What is the root word? How many different words can be made from the root word 'Bake' just by adding a prefix or a suffix?

Read the information below carefully. This will explain what a root word is and how we identify one.

Look at the examples below to see how many different words can often be made from a root word. Think about how the meaning of the word changes, just by adding a prefix or a suffix.


1. Write out the text in the prefix box. As you write the text, add the correct missing word into the sentence. You are provided with the root word so you just need to add a prefix so the sentence makes perfect sense.


2. Write out the text in the suffix box. As you write the text, add the correct missing word into the sentence. You are provided with the root word so you just need to add a suffix so the sentence makes perfect sense.

If you are at home, write the date and LC in your Blended Learning Book and complete the task.


Once you have completed your work, send a picture to your teacher through your Purple Mash email.
