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LC: to read words with unusual, infrequent patterns.

       to infer the meaning of unknown words from context.


The Night Gardener by The Fan Brothers.




That night he went to sleep with a sense of excitement.


The following morning,

William was not disappointed.

Each day William discovered a new topiary.

Next was a friendly rabbit, followed by a pretty parakeet…

And then a playful elephant.


R - What did William discover the next morning?

I - Why was William not disappointed? Use the evidence in the text to add detail to you answer.

C - What does the author mean by 'topiary'?


LC: to use commas to separate items in a list.

      to select, generate and effectively use adjectives.


In the story the author uses adjectives to describe the topiary.


Next was a friendly rabbit, followed by a pretty parakeet…

And then a playful elephant.


Now you write a list of different topiary that William might see. 

Use adjectives to describe them.


