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Tuesday 5th January 2021

Creating interest in our new English unit.

Click on the link below to watch the stage show: The Snow Queen. 


Make notes of the following in your red exercise book:

Which characters are in the performance?

Where is the scene set? (Where are the actions happening?)

What do we call the people who are performing?

How do the characters know what to say and how to move/act?

Have you worked out what we will be studying?


That's right! We are learning about playscripts and the key features we will be focusing on are character lists, scenes, stage directions and dialogue which are developed in more detail. 


Go back to the Snow Queen show.

Could you create a character list for it? 

Could you work out the different scenes?

(Clue: scenes are usually shown by a curtain drop, black out or the emptying of the stage).

What do you think some of the stage directions were for the actors? 

What did some of the characters say? Which characters spoke in detail? 


Log onto Seesaw to complete this challenge.

You will find your Seesaw login details in your red exercise book.

Click on 'The Snow Queen Stage Show' task. There are FOUR PAGES on Seesaw to complete BEFORE you hand in your work. 


If you need any help with your learning, please email your teacher on Purple Mash.


