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Tuesday 9th March 2021

LC: To identify a wide range of factors that maintain a balanced, healthy lifestyle, physically and mentally.




What is wellbeing?


Wellbeing is the state of being healthy, safe, comfortable and happy. Our wellbeing can change from moment to moment, day to day, or month to month.

Sometimes it changes because of things that happen to us and sometimes it changes for no reason at all. It can affect the way we feel about ourselves and others, and about the things we face in our lives.


Why is my wellbeing important?


Having good wellbeing can help you to:

- Feel and express a range of emotions.

- Have confidence and positive self-esteem.

- Have good relationships with others.

- Enjoy the world around you.

- Cope with stress and adapt when things change.


Good wellbeing doesn't mean you'll always be happy. It's normal to feel sad, angry, or low sometimes. But if you have poor wellbeing for a long time you might start to find things more difficult to cope with.


Discuss each slice of the diagram below

Each of these will help improve a person's wellbeing. 


Body – be active: keeping physically active.

e.g. going for a walk.


Mind – keep learning: Learning/developing a new skill.

e.g. Learning to play an instrument. 


Spirit – give: Giving to charity or helping others in need. Giving to family or friends. 

e.g. baking cookies for relatives .


People – connect: Build relationships and develop friendships.

e.g. Introducing your friends to one another.


Place – take notice: Take notice of your surroundings and the changes that are taking place throughout the year.

e.g. write a diary entry about your observations.


Planet – care: Taking care of your local environment.

e.g. picking up litter to recycle


Your challenge is to create an activity to tackle one of these areas of wellbeing.

A plan for your activity is on Seesaw.
