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Modern Foreign Language



The Modern Foreign Language we teach in KS2 is Spanish.


At Stoneyholme Primary School, we learn Spanish in Key Stage 2 from Year 3 onwards. We believe that the learning of a foreign language provides a valuable educational, social and cultural experience for our pupils.  It helps them to develop their ability to communicate, including key skills of speaking and listening and it gives children a new perspective on the world, encouraging them to understand their own cultures and those of others.


We focus primarily on spoken Spanish for communication, developing children’s conversational skills and we believe this supports the foundation for their future written language learning. Children develop their linguistic competence through talk, games, singing and interactive activities.



  • To promote an interest in language learning by introducing children to other languages in a way that is enjoyable and accessible to all pupils
  • To raise awareness that languages other than English exist and develop positive attitudes towards other languages and cultures.
  • To support oracy, literacy and develop speaking and listening skills.
  • To Introduce children to simple vocabulary and structures which can be used in a variety of contexts in the normal school day.
  • To give an extra dimension to teaching and learning across the curriculum.
  • To lay the foundations for future language study by pupils.



Please keep visiting this page to find out what we are learning and how we are doing.


Spanish curriculum 2023/2024
