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Summarising an Explanation Text

1. Identify the main points first in each paragraph

1st paragraph 2nd paragraph 3rd paragraph 4th paragraph


Newborn babies are very small. Most of them weigh around 3½ kilograms and are only about 53 centimetres from head to toe. Some are even smaller. However, soon after they are born, babies are ready to eat! Their food is milk.

   The milk helps the baby grow, so by 3 months old it weighs about 6 kilograms and is around 60 centimetres long. Its stomach is growing stronger too. This means mum can give the baby some solid food as well as milk. The food is special mushy baby food because the baby does not have any teeth, so it cannot chew it yet.

   At 6 months old a baby is about 8 kilograms and 68 centimetres long. Its body is stronger now so it can sit up and play. Its little teeth are starting to come through. This means it can have some hard food like rusks as well as baby food and milk.

   By one year old, most babies weigh around 9½ kilograms and measure about 72 centimetres. They can stand up, and will soon start to walk. They usually have several teeth, so they can eat the same food as older children, as long as it is cut up small. As they eat more and more, they will grow heavier, taller and stronger.


3. Using the main points, summarise the text.
From newborn to 1 year, babies can gain up to 6kg in weight and around 20cm in height. Also, they move from milk, to mushy food and then hard food once they have teeth and their stomach gets stronger. From 6 months, babies can sit up and play and stand by 1 year.