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Miss Cock's ELS group


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Hunt the toy

Pip likes to hide his toy animals and write clues for people to find them. Here are three clues for you to read and play this game with your family.

  in the cup       in the box      on the mat 

Now have a look at home for a cup, a box and a small mat

and three small toys to put in them. Then you are going to write the 3 clues for someone in your family to find the toys. If you haven't any paper, you can use the back of an empty box or an envelope. When you have finished you can email me a photo of your work using 2Email on Purple Mash. 

 Pip's 'ck' challenge 

Pip has a challenge for you. He has hidden his duck and given you another clue to read. You can use sound-talk and then blend the phonemes to read the words you don't know like we did yesterday, c-a-t  cat.


  Nick the duck is in the sock.  


He then wants you to write the clue and draw a picture of Nick the duck in the sock using this 2do on Purple Mash. 



Don't forget your

and then read it again to check it.

Here is a Sentence song to help you remember them when your writing the sentence. 

The sentence song.mp4

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Now go to Purple Mash to do your 2do's.



