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Miss Cock's ELS group

This work is for Ijaaz, Sawera, Sareena, Maysha, Keyan, Rayan, Sahil and Michal.

ELS is your English, Spelling and Grammar work.

You only need to the work with a green tick. 


Good morning.mp4

Still image for this video

Writing instructions for Pip

  Star of the week  

Well done to Sareena, our first Star of the week.

Wind the Bobbin Up

Can you remember all the words and actions to our song this week? 

Wind the Bobbin up.mp4

Still image for this video


I’ve written another message for you to read today.
You can read all the words in this sentence using what you have learned about letters and sounds and remembering the tricky words that we have been learning.

Tell Pip to go back to bed.

Go back to bed.mp4

Still image for this video


Reading sentences

You can listen to the instructions by clicking on the white speaker on the 2do on Purple Mash.

Tricky words

You should now be able to spell them all correctly.

Don't forget to  back with a  to my 'For your ELS work today' email.
