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Miss Cock's ELS group

This work is for Ijaaz, Sawera, Sareena, Maysha, Keyan, Rayan, Sahil and Michal.

Good morning.mp4

Still image for this video

and to the

I have another sentence for you to read today with our words this week. 

Pip likes going to the park and the shops.


On Purple Mash you can practise spelling 'and' 'to' and 'the' on this 2do. 

Where is Pip.mp4

Still image for this video

Does it make sense?

All the sentences in this game have capital letters and full stops. You are going to practise reading your work again to check it make sense by choosing the correct sentence. This will help you with your writing. 


Click on the link below to start the game.

Now go to Purple Mash to do the 2do's.




