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Miss Cock's ELS group

This ELS work is for Ijaaz, Sawera, Sareena, Keyan, Sahil, Rayan, Maysha and Michal.


ELS is your English, Spelling and Grammar work.

You also need to do Maths, Talking Maths and Well-being Wednesday work today.



One two three four five Once I caught a fish alive.mp4

Still image for this video


ch, sh, th and ng



ch, sh, th, ng.mp4

Still image for this video

Read the sentence Pip has put in his journal.


I was fishing and then the fish bit me.


Poor Pip! Which finger do you think the fish bit?

I wonder if it was the same as the rhyme!


Using the 'I was fishing' 2do, draw a picture of yourself fishing. Then write a sentence saying what happened next.

I was fishing and then ...



Pip's journal.mp3


Rubbish or treasure?


Read the word on the coin. Have you heard it before?

 Then put the coin on the chest or on the bin using

this 2do on Purple Mash.


Rubbish or treasure.mp3

Phase 3 tricky words.mp4

Still image for this video

Phase 3 Tricky words



Don't forget to read a book on myON.
