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Miss Cock's ELS group

This work is for Ijaaz, Sawera, Sareena, Maysha, Keyan, Rayan, Sahil and Michal.

ELS is your English, Spelling and Grammar work.

You also need to do Maths, Talking Maths

and Wellbeing Wednesday.

Jump up and join in again with the ABC song.

ABC Song.mp4

Still image for this video

Can you remember the letter names for these letters?

A   D   F   L   O   V

Check your answers.mp3

Exciting new stories coming soon

Now you have done the cover for your story. Look at the story map and listen to the opening of the Three Billy Goats Gruff.

Story opening.mp3

On Purple Mash you are going to write the opening for your story. I have put you a story map with your new characters on the page to help you. 

Don't forget the capital letters, spaces and full stops!

Then read it again to check your work before handing it in.

You can do this by yourself, using your phonics to help you spell the words.

Writing your opening.mp3


To spell ch words

Read a book on myON today.
