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Monday 19th April 2021

L.C.  To be able to relate fractions to division



There are 3 children but 4 pies.
How are they going to share them equally?

How much will each child get?



First, we need to count how many children there are and then cut each pie into this amount. There are 3 children, therefore we need to cut each pie into 3 equal pieces (thirds).  



How many pieces of pie would each child get? 

How would I write this as a fraction?

Remember we are working with thirds.


When the top number of a fraction is bigger than the bottom number, this is called in improper fraction.


Using the same process as above, let’s work out the guided practice questions together.


First, we need to count how many children there are and then cut each object into this number. (This will be our denominator)


Next, we need to give each child a piece of each object. The number of pieces each child has will be the numerator.


