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Tuesday 9th March 2021

 LC- To read information from charts.


 Today we are going to move onto using graphs and charts to add information and to read the information that they show.

We will start easy and move on.


Firstly have a look at the following question.

Can you remember how to read a tally chart?

What information does it show?

How many of each fruit are there?

What could we jot down so we don't have to keep counting.

What questions could you ask about this chart?


What other ways can you show the same information? Think back to past learning.


Let's learn.

 What is the same and what is different about these charts?


 The key at the bottom is very important as this tells us what each picture stands for. So in example 3, each square stands for 2 pieces of fruit and not just 1. 


These types of chart are called picture graphs because they use pictures to show the information.


Have a look at the following question.

  The types of question you could ask from this are:


 Who scored the most goals?

Who scored the least goals?

How many more goals did Ben score then Max?

How many less goals did Kim score than Amy?

How many goals were scored altogether?


  In this case it is easier because each picture of a ball stands for 1 ball!


Now look at this one.

In this case a circle stands for 2 children.

What would happen if you didn't read the key properly?


That's right you would think there was half of a child!



 Now these examples are actually KS1 questions.


 Let's look at a KS2 question (but not year 6).

 What does the full Ice cream stand for?

What does the half stand for?

What could you do at the side to make sure you don't have to count more than once?

Can you answer the question?


  Now I have put some questions on Seesaw. They are a bit harder so look at all the information first and remember to do jottings.
