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Today we are going to look at what will come next in a sequence.


Sequences always have a pattern that they follow.


The pattern could be + 2 e.g.


 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 ...


Every next number is 2 more than the number before it.


It could be + 3


11, 14, 17, 20, 23 ...


Every next number is 2 more than the number before it.


It could be double.


11, 22, 44, 88, 176 ...


Every next number is double the number before it.


Now you need to be able to find the pattern in a sequence of numbers.


To do this you need to be able to find, at least, 2 numbers in the pattern that are next to one another. 


Once you find that you need to work out how you get from 1 number to the next.


Then you do the same again and again to work out the next numbers in the sequence.


Watch the following video. This will show you and talk you through it as he goes.



Finding patterns in numbers

Using what you know now, go onto Purple mash and complete the 2do that has been set. Mr Hindman is always on Purple Mash for you to email and ask for help.
