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LC: to divide 2 digit number by 1 digit number.

We are going to practice partitioning using the times tables that we know.

This will help us to divide.


32 ÷ 2  = 

Remember you can stop the slideshow when you need to.

Let's have another go.


63 ÷ 3 =


Think about what times tables you know.


I know:

1 x 3 = 3

10 x 3 = 30

20 x 3 = 60

Now have a go at these division calculations, using the method we have been practicing.


66 ÷ 2 =


69 ÷ 3 =


60 ÷ 4 =


65 ÷ 5 =


88 ÷ 4 =


If you are learning from home, please complete the calculations in you blue blended learning book. Remember to show your workings out.