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Wednesday 18th November, 2020

LC: To discuss and record ideas for planning.

Today, you are going to use the information you gathered on how electricity works (from last week's science work and Monday's research) to plan your explanation text on how electricity works.

Your teacher will also be planning their explanation text on how electricity reaches people's homes alongside you. 

We will use the T4W sound text and the boxed-up sound explanation skeleton to help plan our new texts. 



T4W Explanation Skeleton Plan: How are humans able to hear sounds?
  explanation title            main content             diagrams to use                  cause and effect conjunctions/causal adverbs         

Now it is time for us to plan our explanation text using the model to help us. We will do it step-by-step. 

Blended learning: Click on the link below to see a teacher model.

Log onto Seesaw to find a blank skeleton plan that you can complete or take a screenshot of the skeleton plan and edit it with your plan ideas. You will then need to email this to your teacher through Purple Mash.

Teacher model: How electricity reaches people's homes

Children's explanation plan: How electricity works
