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Friday 23rd April 2021

LC: To discuss and record ideas for planning.

Today, you are going to organise the notes you collected yesterday on the plastic pollution problem. 

Here are the notes your teacher collected on global warming yesterday.


Your teacher's discussion text question is 'Are humans dealing with global warming?'


Remember, a discussion text is a balanced argument with a 'for' and an 'against' argument. 

Your teacher has sorted their notes into either 'for' information or 'against' information. 


The 'for' argument notes should support how humans are dealing with global warming. 

The 'against' argument notes should support how humans are not dealing with global warming. 



Your Task

Log onto Seesaw to organise your notes.

Your discussion question is 'Are humans dealing with the plastic pollution problem?'

Think carefully about each note and whether it supports your 'for' argument or 'against' argument.



The 'for' argument notes should support how humans are dealing with plastic pollution. 

The 'against' argument notes should support how humans are not dealing with plastic pollution. 
