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LC: to identify the different ways that the Pendle Witches have been represented and give reasons for this.


Last week, we discussed whether we thought the Pendle Witches were treated fairly or not. 


Today, we are going to look at ways in which these women have been represented and think about the reasons for this. 

Here are some illustrations: 

Last week, you were asked to draw a picture of what you think a witch would look like. 

Talk to the person sitting next to you: 

Why do you think these women have been illustrated in this way? 

Why do you think these women are represented in this way?


Last week we discussed how people in the 17th Century were living in fear of witches, because of the king. 

Can you remember his name?    



King James the 1st!


Arresting and executing witches was bound to get you noticed by James 1. 

It was also a chance for people to blame someone for past disasters such as death and disease. 

Even today, people fear witches. They are still represented badly today. 

On seesaw, you will be drawing a picture to show how these wise women are/were represented, describing them and then drawing a picture of what they really looked like.  


Then, you need to answer the question, why do you think they have been represented badly? 
