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Tuesday 1st December 2020

LC- To understand where people, places and periods of time fit into a chronological framework


 The priority today is to complete all the History work from yesterday as there was quite a lot to do. Make sure you send you Keynote (or other presentation if you are at home) to your teacher.



Now, we are going to have a look at some of the famous people of the Victorian times, and see why they were so important, for example Charles Darwin... remember him?


 First, have a look at the man many people say built Victorian Britain,     Isambard Kingdom Brunel


Watch the clip from Bitesize to find out why he was so important and why he is remembered today.

Research the following people to find out what they did and how they influenced our world today. You may not have time to complete all of them but if you are an independent learner, you could complete the rest for homework!


 Use their names as sub-headings and write the information you find below.


  • Alexander Graham Bell
  • Thomas Edison
  • Joseph Lister
  • David Livingstone
  • Florence Nightingale
  • Charles Dickens 
  • Robert Peel
  • Dr Barnardo
  • John Cadbury
  • Henry Isaac Rowntree