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We have been making self portraits. We used paint and pen to make them. We used mirrors to make sure we included all the details.

The children in Reception have been looking at some different artists; Piet Mondrian and Wassily Kandinsky. We went to the steam hub to recreate some of their pieces.

Representing Autumn

Painting characters from the Gingerbread Man story

We have been making Christmas hats, Christmas cards and decorating biscuits ready for our R.E, celebration.

We have been painting pictures of famous figures from the past and present.

Exploring tone by adding white to create a sunset scene

We finished our sunsets by printing some buildings

Exploring collage by tearing paper and making animal patterns

Exploring colour in collage - tonal variations

Applying the technique of collage

The final piece

Drawing community heroes on fabric

Fabric collage

And our final pieces of working with fabric...

Observational paintings of flowers
