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Expectations for Year groups

We have invested in the Maths NO Problem scheme of work for the years 1-6. The children in EYFS have their own curriculum and follow the Development Matters document.

Maths No Problem is a teaching resource backed by over 30 years of research and fully follows the requirements of the programmes of study from the National Curriculum 2014. Here at Stoneyholme, we feel the mastery approach is best for our children. 

Together with the scheme, we supplement the learning with other resources as we feel necessary.



We provide children with a variety of practical resources that enable them to 'see' the maths that they are undertaking. When they are ready, the practical resources are replaced with jottings which provide a visual representation and support the next step towards a more formal way of working. By the end of year 4, the majority of children are expected to be working on compact, formal methods of calculation.


The expectation is that the majority of pupils will move through the work at broadly the same pace. Decisions about when to progress will be based on the security of pupils' understanding. 
Pupils who grasp concepts rapidly will be challenged before moving on to new content. Those who are not as fluent will be given additional support.


Click on the buttons below to see the expectations for each year group.
