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Today we are going to learn about the way we are made to think about characters in different stories.


Take for instance, Goldilocks! We often think of her as an innocent girl that happened to stumble into the bear's house. But is she really that innocent?


She entered somebody else's house without their permission.

She ate their food and broke their chair.

Let's think of another character from a story we have read. Let's think about the Troll from the Three Billy Goats Gruff.

What do we know about the Troll from the original story? 

Can you think of any adjectives to describe him?

If you are in school, share your ideas with the class. If you are at home, share your ideas with an adult in your house.

Today we are going to think about what we would like to know about the Troll. One of the ways we find out information is to ask questions.


Your task is to write three questions to find out more information about the troll.


You could ask a closed question that only gives a short answer, like

Are you mean all of the time?


Or you could ask an open question that let's the character explain with detail, like

Why are you mean to the Three Billy Goats Gruff?


Remember, your questions should start with a capital letter and end with a question mark.


If you are at home, send a picture of your work to your teacher.
