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Tuesday 19th January

LC: To gather information about a character to create a character profile

Yesterday, you gathered information about the character, Fagin. You needed to find information about his appearance, personality and general attitude. You are going to need this information later in the week so that you can describe him to Dick, in your letter. 


Today, you are going to do the same but this time it is for Dodger. Please read Chapter 11. 


Here is an example from Chapter 11. 


"Come on, Fagin," Dodger urged. "Let us take young Oliver out. He's ready by now. Don't worry, Charley and I will take care of him."


This tells me that Dodger must be quite influential in the pick-pocketing activities that the group are doing. He is able to persuade Fagin in letting him and Charley take Oliver out to the streets. 


Please complete the activity on Seesaw - Character Profile, Dodger (Tuesday) once you have read Chapter 11 below. 
