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Wednesday 13th January 2021

L.C. To understand how to embed a relative clause within a sentence.


Remember yesterday we discussed special types of subordinate clauses that are given a different name - Relative clause.


Relative clauses relate back to the noun and usually start with one of the following words:


who, which, that, when, where, whose


Yesterday, we looked at using Relative clauses at the end of a sentence. However, we can put them into the middle of a sentence as well.



The girl put on her favourite dress.


This is the main clauseWe can add more information or details to this sentence in order to improve our writing. Today we are going to this by using a subordinate clause. 



The girl, who was going to a party, put own her favourite dress.


Make sure to notice the commas. Commas need to go at either side of the subordinate clause



Task 1 (on English 2Do - Purple Mash)


There are 10 clauses on Purple mash you need to decide whether they are main clauses or Relative clauses.


Then you need to choose 1 main clauses and 1 Relative clauses. and make a sentence. You need to insert the Relative clause into the middle of your sentence as shown in the example above.


Task 2 (on English 2Do - Purple Mash)


There are 3 main clauses on Purple mash you need to insert the Relative clause into the middle of these sentences. 
