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Friday 8th January 2021

L.C. To understand that suffixes.


Yesterday we looked at 'root words' and 'prefixes'.


On the template for English on Purple mash write down what a root word is and what a Prefixes are.

There is also space for you to give some examples of Prefixes. Give at least 2 examples. 


Today we will be looking at suffixes


suffix is very similar to a Prefix, but instead of going at the start of the word the letters added go at the end of a word. Just like Prefixes, suffixes can change or add to the meaning of the root word. Most importantly though, they can also show how a word will be used in a sentence and what word class the word belongs to.


Here are some of the suffixes you may have come across.


ing ness ful tion
ed ary ment ly
er ible sion fully
al able cian y
est less    


Today we will just focus on 7 of these:

-ing, -ed, -ly, -ness, -ful, -fully, -less


Lets look at the root word Hope.


Now if I add the suffixes se can see how the word class changes.


hopeful - adjective

hoped - verb

hoping - verb

hopefully - adverb

hopeless - adjective (the hopeless player)

hopeless - noun (she s feeling hopeless)

What has happened to the meaning of the word happy?


Lets look at another root word Play.


Now if I add the suffixes se can see how the word class changes.


playful - adjective

played - verb

playing - verb (the girl was playing)

playing - adjective (the playing field)

player - noun


On the template for English on Purple mash write down the word classes of each of the words shown.




On the template for English on Purple mash add suffixes to the words to make the sentences make sense. 

