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Wednesday 2nd December 2020

L.C. To further understand speech.


We are going to start by watching the video on on the weblink below.

What did you notice from the video.


Only the bit being spoken is inside the inverted commas.


"I must go! I'm running late" said Peter.


Notice that said Peter is out outside of the inverted commas as Peter isn't saying this.


We will now look at the information on the next link and discuss this as a class. Once we have completed this task you will complete the quiz in the section labelled Activity 1. Once you have done the quiz please let your teacher know your score. If home learning please send a screenshot to Mr Hindman to check.

Your task


Shortly you will open the document bellow. But first read these instructions.


  1. Open the document.
  2. Screenshot all sections of the document.
  3. Open screenshot in gallery on your iPad.
  4. Select mark up.


You are now going to highlight bits of the text.


I would like you to use Blue to highlight any and all Direct Speech that your find. 

I would like you to use Red to highlight any and all Indirect speech that you find.


Once you have finished please check back through your work to make sure you have highlighted correctly and have found all speech.


Then show your teacher the work on your iPad.


Home learners please could you take a screenshot of your work and email it to Mr Hindman on Purple Mash.
