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English 10.00 - 11.00

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You did a great job yesterday learning about prefixes.

Remember they are letters that we can add to the beginning of a word.

Today we are going to learn about suffixes.

Where do think suffixes go?


That's right they are letters that we can add to the end of a word.

Watch this video carefully and listen out for the suffixes 'ing' and 'ed'.



Click on the link below.

Listen carefully

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Now it's your turn. 

Write the date in your book. Your English book in school or your blended learning book at home.


Wednesday 25th November


Using the words below, write the sentences in your book and include the missing word. I have done the first one for you.



playing - played - waiting - waited - dancing - danced

1. My friend is waiting next to my parents.


2. I _ _ _ _ _ _ a game with my friends earlier.

3. I was _ _ _ _ _ _ outside earlier because it was sunny.

4. Last night I _ _ _ _ _ _ to a new song.

5. We _ _ _ _ _ _ for ages to get on the ride.

Now try this 2do.

