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Wednesday 18th November


LC: To recognise an author's techniques to influence and manipulate the reader


Well done to many of you to notice that we have been looking at persuasive writing over the last couple of days!


The whole reason for trying to be persuasive is to try to convince the audience or reader to think in the same way that we are thinking. 


Here are some examples of where we might find different forms of persuasion:


  • TV/Radio/Internet advertisements
  • Persuasive letter writing 
  • Leaflets
  • Holiday brochures

Written Persuasive Techniques


When writing to persuade, the author/writer needs to consider certain techniques - these will help them to manipulate or convince the reader into a certain way of thinking. 


Follow the link below to find some tips!

I would like you to read and analyse the letter below to a head teacher, from a pupil.


What makes it persuasive? What techniques has the writer used?


The first one that I spotted, early in the letter is, 'Everyone agrees that you are the kindest head teacher'.


We call this FLATTERY. To 'flatter' someone is to tell them that they are great in some way or another (whether you think it's true or not!). 


How many other persuasive techniques can you find in the following letter?


If you are working from home, please record your thoughts in your Home Learning book and sent a photo of your completed work to your teacher. Please provide full explanations for your choices - just like I did in the example that I have highlighted above. 


