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Tuesday 17th November 2020

L.C. To identify adverbial phrases and their function in a sentence.


So first lets remind ourselves what a verb is and what an adverb is.


Verb:  is an action/ an occurrence/ a state of being.


Adverb: is a word that describes how/where or when the verb is done.


Yesterday we focused on on using adverbs to focus on how the verb was being done. Today we will look at using adverbial phrases for where and when.


An adverbial phrases is used to add more detail to the verb. 


What are the verbs in the following sentences:


She looked at me strangely.

They left yesterday.


Where in the sentences above are the adverbs? What do the adverbs indicate?


In the first sentence the verb is 'looked' and the adverb is 'strangely'. The adverb 'strangely' is used to describe how the verb is being done.

In the second sentence the verb is 'left' and the adverb is 'yesterday'. The adverb 'yesterday' is used to describe when the verb is being done.


Lets look at some new sentences.


What are the verbs in the following sentences:


She looked at me in a strange way.

They left a few days ago.

She stood on the edge of the playground


Where in the sentences above are the adverbs? What do the adverbs indicate?


In the first sentence the verb is 'looked' and the adverb is 'in a strange way'. The adverb 'in a strange way' is used to describe how the verb is being done.

In the second sentence the verb is 'left' and the adverb is 'a few days ago'. The adverb 'a few days ago' is used to describe when the verb is being done.

In the Third sentence the verb is 'stood' and the adverb is 'on the edge of the playground'. The adverb 'on the edge of the playground' is used to describe where the verb is being done.


Task 1

Underline the verb in the following sentence in one colour. Underline the adverbial phrase in another. Then write down how the adverbial phrase is being used (is it used for how, when or where?). 


He shouted at his friend in an angry way.

The spider scuttled about at night.

I like to arrive on time

The car was driving along the road.

The Bus leaves in five minutes.

In the distance, the boy was waiting.


Task 2

Using the sentence starters, finish the sentence first by using an adverb. On the next line, re-write the sentence starter but finish it by using an adverbial phrase.


The small child played ...

The lion roared ...

The rain poured ...

The teacher shouted ...
