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Autumn Term 1

Autumn – Term 1





In English, we are going we are going to be learning about legends. We will be focusing of  The Legends of Gelert.  Children will be exposed to this legend and will use this story to innovate and write their own version. Towards the end of the term we will be writing a non chronological report linked to our History topic (Ancient Greece).



In Maths, we are going to be be following the Maths No problem Scheme.  
This will involve:

Reading and writing and comparing numbers to 1, 000, 000.

Making number patterns.

Rounding numbers up to 100 000.

Adding and subtracting using formal methods.

Multiplying and dividing using formal methods.




This term our focus will be studying Greek life and achievement and their influence on the western world. 



In Computing, we are going to be learning about Online safety and how to make the right choice when using technology. 



In Art, we are going to be linking our learning with Ancient Greece and focusing images from the achievements including Greek architecture.  We will be using photographs and images to draw with proportion and scale. 



Our key question throughout the year in RE is ' Where can people find guidance on how to live their lives?' 

This half term we will investigate Christianity (The Church). The focus question for this unit  is ' How do people decide what to believe?' We will discuss our shared experiences, investigate different beliefs and values and explore living religious traditions. We will create drama sketches from scripture in the bible.




E-Safety and Analysing Information


Children will be looking at acceptable and unacceptable behaviours online and showing their understanding through posters.




Our theme this half term is New Beginnings. We will be learning how to understand ourselves and others, recognising choices and influences and understanding where to find where to find advice to inform decision making.




This half term, we will be focusing on our drawing skills. We will be looking at soldiers in Ancient Greece and sketching these using prior learning and new skills taught.


P.E: Invasion Games - Tag Rugby

We will use consistency, accuracy and control when passing and catching a ruby ball. We will apply simple tactics to outwit opponents when playing a game and make decisions on when to pass. We will also apply simple attacking and defending tactics and apply these in ruby games. Finally, we will evaluate our own and others work and suggest ways of improvement.
