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Autumn 2

For our PSED part of our curriculum and PSHCE, we will be continuing to look at our key question. 


Can you be the same and different at the same time? Is it OK to be different?


This will be discussed through stories and a range of activities to celebrate our similarities and differences. Our rights respecting focus is ‘Proud to Be’. 



Celebrating odd sock day 🧦

We have been talking about what bullying 

means by reading a story called ‘Don’t be a bully Billy’.

We discussed being kind and how to be kind.

Have a look at our kindness tree. Some children got their name on a leaf because they did something kind.

We will be talking about how to respect our school, our responsibilities and how to follow the rules. 

This links to the Rights Respecting

Article 2- Every child has the right to be treated fairly, no child should be discriminated against because of their gender, language, religion or disability. 




During this half term, our literacy will involve changing our story to tell, which is the Gingerbread Man. We will be choosing a new setting and some new characters to chase the gingerbread man! We will be using ICT to publish and record our new stories. 

Our engineering also links to the gingerbread story, the children will be experimenting with joining materials and making a house for the gingerbread man. 


The children will also be designing and making something, maybe a boat or a bridge, for the gingerbread man to get across the river safely. 

Changing the characters in our gingerbread man story

The children will be looking at aspects of keeping safe, which links to our Health and Self Care aspect of our curriculum.



We will be looking at how to be safe on the road and different aspects of road safety. We will also be looking at bonfire safety too. 

Reception went for a walk around school to take part in the launch of the walk to school challenge. We used our senses to explore our surroundings. We discussed how this made our bodies and ourselves feel.

How did the walk make you feel? 

‘It made me happy because we were going fast.’-Sulaiman 


‘When you do walking you can take deep breaths’- Maimoonah 


‘Walking makes you healthy’ Haniya Z


‘We get to walk around outside and see places we don’t see, and not just being inside’- Ibrahim


‘It made me feel calm because it was nice walking’- Fateha 

During our RE, we will be discussing the key question:

'How do we show that we belong?'

We will be learning about the mosque. We will be discussing who goes to a mosque, what they look like and what happens inside a mosque.


During our leaning about The World, we will be looking at Autumn and the changes that happen during the season. The children will be looking at autumn colours and different tones. 





Bonfire Pastels 🔥

Autumn transient art

To link with our expressive art and design aspect of the curriculum, the children will be exploring different lines and patterns, and recreating these in various different ways. 

We have been looking at different artists; Piet Moderian and Wassily Kandinsky. We went to the steam hub to recreate some of their pieces.

Wassily Kadinsky

Piet Mondrian

Our RE will be learning about love and charity, which links to Christianity. We will be reading the Papa Panov Story and The Good Samaritan.



We will also be learning about the Nativty story and how Christians believe that Jesus was sent as a gift from god. We will also be looking at how Christmas is celebrated. We will be doing some Christmas crafts, including making some decorations for the classroom. 


  During Music, the children will be learning and responding to different styles of music. We will be singing songs and nursery rhymes. We will be playing instruments and performing our music.


In P.E, we are working very hard on our 5 Fundamental Movement Skills: running, jumping, hopping, catching and throwing. We are also travelling over, under and through climbing equipment. 


Click here to see our amazing P.E work!  
