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Autumn 1



In English this term, we will be learning and performing traditional rhymes. 

We will be learning about our bodies and writing labels and captions. 

We will be reading, innovating and writing our own stories based on the fantasy novel ‘The Rainbow Fish’.

We made our own sea creature models during our Rainbow Fish topic.

Labelling around school


In Phonics, we will be learning new sounds and using our phonics knowledge to read and write.

We will also be reading and writing tricky words.


In maths we are learning to recognise the place value of numbers to 10. We will be solving addition and subtraction calculations and learning number bonds to 5, 6 and 7.


In science we will be asking simple scientific questions, making observations, and saying what we found out using simple data.


We will also observe the changes across the four seasons and describe the weather associated with the four seasons.


We will be following the school's internet rules and learning the importance of keeping information private, including passwords.

We will also use technology to store and retrieve digital content.





This half term we will be looking at what has changed in our family lifetime.

We will be placing objects and people in chronological order and we will identify similarities and differences between the past and present in their life.


In geography we will be learning the difference between human and physical features of my local area. 


We labelled human and physical features of our school environment and Burnley.

We looked for human and physical features on our trip to Hurstwood.


We will be looking at Christianity and how might people show they belong to God?


We went to Hurstwood church to learn more about baptisms in Christianity.


This half term we will be discussing various topics including: 

- To learn about growing and changing from young to old.

- To understand simple hygiene routine that can stop germs from spreading.

- To learn about what keeping healthy means.

- To understand about the roles of different people.



This term in Art we will be learning to draw and control the types of marks made with a range of media.  


We will also look at the Inspired Artist  - Pablo Picasso

We have been doing observational drawings and digital art of fruit linking to our learning about keeping healthy.

Year One used digital media to draw fish and also used pencils and shading to add darker tones. 🐠

We will be following the Scheme on Charanga YUMU

How can we make friends when we sing together?


We will be identifying the pulse, rhythm and pitch, performing, improvising and composing our own music.



We will develop our Fundamental Movement Skills. We will be focusing on our overarm/underarm throwing and rolling by exploring different activities to improve our distance and accuracy. We will also use various obstacles and courses to improve our running. We will demonstrate different speeds of running and change of direction to improve our agility. By demonstrating control and balance we will use a variety of equipment to help us improve our jumping. 

Click here to see more of Year 1's amazing P.E work!


Throughout this half term, we will be exploring lots of different exercises and activities that will help develop physical and emotional well-being.
