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Computing Spring 1


 Week 1

Online Safety

Smartie the peguine


We will now complete our seesaw activity.


Week 2

Giving and Following Instructions

You will create a 2D robot using an algorithm.


Algorithm - A precise set of step-by-step instructions which are used to solve a problem or achieve an objective.

Decomposition - – Breaking down a problem into small chunks to solve one at a time. 


Week 3

Counting Objects

Using QR codes and counting objects up to 10.

QR Code - Quick Responce Code used to access information quickly using a camera.

Use the camera on your iPad to log into seesaw.

Yellow Fish - RW    

Green Fish - RB

Purple Fish - RH

Complete the counting objects activity on seesaw, use your pen tool to write your numbers.

 Don't forget to log out of seesaw when you have finished.

Week 4

Adding Objects

Using QR codes and Adding objects up to 10.

QR Code - Quick Responce Code used to access information quickly using a camera.

Use the camera on your iPad to log into seesaw.

Yellow Fish - RW    

Green Fish - RB

Purple Fish - RH

Complete the adding objects activity on seesaw, use your pen tool to write your numbers.

 Don't forget to log out of seesaw when you have finished.

Week 5

Ordering Numbers

Using QR codes and ordering numbers up to 20.

QR Code - Quick Responce Code used to access information quickly using a camera.

Use the camera on your iPad to log into seesaw.


Yellow Fish - RW    

Green Fish - RB

Purple Fish - RH

Complete the ordering numbers activity on seesaw.

Week 5


Safer Internet Day 2025

Too good to be true? Protecting yourself and others from scams online.

Digital Leaders have created a video for you to watch about online scams and how to protect yourself.


Year 1

Week 1

Online Safety

What makes a good digital citizen?

Watch the video

Complete the seesaw activity.

Week 2

Label and match


LC : To label objects

I can describe objects using labels 

I can match objects to groups

I can identify the label for a group of objects




 Week 3

 Data and information – Grouping data

LC : To identify that objects can be counted

●I can count objects

●I can group objects

I can count a group of objects


There is a seesaw activity to complete.

Week 4

Data and information – Grouping data

LC : To describe an object in different ways

●I can describe an object

●I can describe a property of an object

●I can find objects with similar properties


There is a seesaw activity to complete.

Week 5

Data and information – Grouping data

To count objects with the same properties

●I can group similar objects

●I can group objects in more than one way

●I can count how many objects share a property

Key vocabulary

Group, object, property, value, label, colour, data set


There are two seesaw activities to complete.


Week 6

Safer Internet Day 2025

Too good to be true? Protecting yourself and others from scams online.

Digital Leaders have created a video for you to watch about online scams and how to protect yourself.


We will continue with our learning from last week and complete our second activity.

Year 2

Week 1

Online Safety

What makes a good digital citizen?

Watch the video

Complete the seesaw activity

Week 2

Robot algorithms

LC : To describe a series of instructions as a sequence

●I can follow instructions given by someone else

●I can choose a series of words that can be acted out as a sequence

●I can give clear instructions

Click the link to view the Powerpoint Presentation.

Week 3

Robot algorithms

Same but different

LC : To explain what happens when we change the order of instructions

●I can use the same instructions to create different algorithms

 ●I can use an algorithm to program a sequence on a floor robot

 ●I can show the difference in outcomes between two sequences that consist of the same instructions

Click the link to view the Powerpoint Presentation.

Week 4

Robot algorithms

Making predictions

LC : To use logical reasoning to predict the outcome of a program

●I can follow a sequence

●I can predict the outcome of a sequence

 ●I can compare my prediction to the program outcome

Click the link to view the Powerpoint Presentation.

Week 5

Robot algorithms

Making predictions

LC : To use logical reasoning to predict the outcome of a program

●I can follow a sequence

●I can predict the outcome of a sequence

 ●I can compare my prediction to the program outcome

Click the link to view the Powerpoint Presentation.

Week 6

Safer Internet Day 2025

Too good to be true? Protecting yourself and others from scams online.

Digital Leaders have created a video for you to watch about online scams and how to protect yourself.


Robot algorithms

Making predictions

To explain that programming projects can have code and artwork

●I can explain the choices that I made for my mat design

 ●I can identify different routes around my mat

 ●I can test my mat to make sure that it is usable


Year 3

Week 1

Online Safety

What is digital citizenship?


Watch the video.

Class discussion on how you are a good digital citizen, what apps do you use in school and out of school and how you keep yourself safe online.

Lets look at what other primary school children have asked professionals for answers to their questions.

  1. Can someone see if you block, report or mute them?
  2. If someone guesses your password, can they get into more than one account using the same password – and how do you know how strong your password is?
  3. What age do you think is appropriate to have a phone/social media?


Complete the seesaw activity.

week 2

Data and information – Branching databases

LC : To create questions with yes/no answers
I can investigate questions with yes/no answers
I can make up a yes/no question about a collection of objects
I can create two groups of objects separated by one attribute

 Week 3

Data and information – Branching databases


LC : To identify the attributes needed to collect data about an object​



Week 4

Data and information – Branching databases


LC : To create a branching database


●I can select objects to arrange in a branching database

●I can group objects using my own yes/no questions

●I can test my branching database to see if it works



Week 5

Data and information – Branching databases


LC : To explain why it is helpful for a database to be well structured


●I can create yes/no questions using given attributes

●I can compare two branching database structures

●I can explain that questions need to be ordered carefully to split objects into similarly sized groups




Minibeast Database

Week 6

Safer Internet Day 2025

Too good to be true? Protecting yourself and others from scams online.

Digital Leaders have created a video for you to watch about online scams and how to protect yourself.


Data and information – Branching databases 

LC : To plan the structure of a branching database

●I can independently create questions to use in a branching database ●I can create questions that will enable objects to be uniquely identified ●I can create a physical version of a branching database

Key vocabulary

Branching database, attribute, value, question, selecting


Year 4

Week 1

Online Safety

What is digital citizenship?


Watch the video.

Class discussion on how you are a good digital citizen, what apps do you use in school and out of school and how you keep yourself safe online.

Lets look at what other primary school children have asked professionals for answers to their questions.

  1. Can someone see if you block, report or mute them?
  2. If someone guesses your password, can they get into more than one account using the same password – and how do you know how strong your password is?
  3. What age do you think is appropriate to have a phone/social media?


Complete the seesaw activity.

Week 2

Programming – Repetition in games

LC : To develop the use of count-controlled loops in a different programming environment

  • I can list an everyday task as a set of instructions including repetition
  • I can predict the outcome of a snippet of code
  • I can modify a snippet of code to create a given outcome


Click me to view the PowerPoint presentation.

Complete the seesaw activity first then program your code on Pyonkee.

Week 3

Programming – Repetition in games

Different loops

LC : To explain that in programming there are infinite loops and count-controlled loops.

●I can modify loops to produce a given outcome

●I can choose when to use a count-controlled and an infinite loop

●I can recognise that some programming languages enable more than one process to be run at once

Click to view PowerPoint Presentation.

Week 4

Programming – Repetition in games

Animate your name

LC : To develop a design that includes two or more loops which run at the same time.

●I can choose which action will be repeated for each object

●I can explain what the outcome of the repeated action should be

●I can evaluate the effectiveness of the repeated sequences used in my program

Click to view the PowerPoint Presentation.

Complete the seesaw activity to plan and evaluate your animate name.

Week 5

Programming – Repetition in games

Animate your name

LC : To develop a design that includes two or more loops which run at the same time.

●I can choose which action will be repeated for each object

●I can explain what the outcome of the repeated action should be

●I can evaluate the effectiveness of the repeated sequences used in my program

Click to view the PowerPoint Presentation.

Complete the seesaw activity to plan and evaluate your animate name.

Week 6

Safer Internet Day 2025

Too good to be true? Protecting yourself and others from scams online.

Digital Leaders have created a video for you to watch about online scams and how to protect yourself.


Year 5

Week 1


Online Safety

What is digital citizenship?

Watch the videos

Class discussion on how you are a good digital citizen, what apps do you use in school and out of school and how you keep yourself safe online.

Lets look at what other primary school children have asked professionals for answers to their questions.

Why do you need to be a certain age for some games?

I don’t like my Dad checking my phone, how can I stop him?

What can you do if your account has been hacked?

Week 2

Creating media – Video production

LC : To explain what makes a video effective.

I can explain that video is a visual media format.

I can identify features of videos.

I can compare features in different videos.

I know what to do if I see any content online that makes me feel uncomfortable.

Key vocabulary

Video, audio, camera, talking head, panning, close up

Click me to view information.


Week 3

Creating media – Video production

To use a digital device to record video

●I can identify and find features on a digital video recording device

●I can experiment with different camera angles

●I can recognise camera angles in a video

Key vocabulary

Video camera, microphone, lens, close up, mid-range, long shot, moving subject, side by side, high angle, low angle, normal angle


Week 4

Creating media – Video production

LC : To capture video using a range of techniques

●I can suggest filming techniques for a given purpose

●I can capture video using a range of filming techniques

●I can review how effective my video is

Key vocabulary

Static camera, zoom, pan, tilt, storyboard


Week 5

Safer Internet Day 2025

Too good to be true? Protecting yourself and others from scams online.

Digital Leaders have created a video for you to watch about online scams and how to protect yourself.




Could you complete the questionnaire on seesaw.



Creating media – Video production

LC : To create a storyboard

●I can outline the scenes of my video

●I can decide which filming techniques I will use

●I can create and save video content

Key vocabulary

Storyboard, filming, review


Year 6

Week 1

Online Safety

What is digital citizenship?

Watch the videos

Class discussion on how you are a good digital citizen, what apps do you use in school and out of school and how you keep yourself safe online.

Lets look at what other primary school children have asked professionals for answers to their questions.

  1. Can someone see if you block, report or mute them?
  2. If someone guesses your password, can they get into more than one account using the same password – and how do you know how strong your password is?
  3. What age do you think is appropriate to have a phone/social media?


Week 2 

l1 slides sensing y6.pdf

Click here


Week 3


Go with the flow

Programming – Sensing


To explain that selection can control the flow of a program​

I can identify examples of conditions in the real world​

I can use a variable in an if, then, else statement to control the flow of a program​

I can determine the flow of a program using selection​


Click here for the presentation


Please upload the evidence of programming to SeeSaw

Week 4

Sensing Inputs

To update a variable with a user input​

I can use a conditional statement to change a variable​

I can experiment with different physical inputs​

I can explain that checking a variable doesn’t change its value​


Click here for the presentation

Please upload the evidence of programming to SeeSaw

Week 5

Designing a step counter

Programming – Sensing

To design a project that uses inputs and outputs on a controllable device​

I can decide what variables to include in a project​

I can design the algorithm for my project​

I can design the program flow for my project​


Click here for the presentation

Please upload the evidence of programming to SeeSaw


Week 6

Safer Internet Day 2025

Too good to be true? Protecting yourself and others from scams online.

Digital Leaders have created a video for you to watch about online scams and how to protect yourself.
