Home Page

Year 1

Welcome to Year One! Mr Latif and Mrs Rycroft will be updating this page with useful information and photos of the wonderful work you do, so please check it regularly. 

Summer Term 1



This half term, we will read the Traditional Tale of Jack and the Beanstalk and build on our knowledge of sequencing key events in order. We will build on our knowledge of writing and punctuating simple sentences when we write a set of instructions.


As mathematicians, we will move learn about the place value of numbers up to 100. We will also learn about time - the language of time, days of the week, months, years and also learn to tell the time to the hour and half past the hour. Please help your child at home by asking them questions, for example: What day is it? What day will it be tomorrow? In which month is your birthday?

Sharing into equal groups


Can we identify trees by matching the leaf shape to a named image?


Devising a map to show Jack’s journey to the market



Can we use primary colours to explore colour mixing for landscapes?


This half term we will be discussing various topics including:

- identifying the people who love and care for us and what they do to help us feel cared.

- knowing know how to recognise and name feelings.

- understanding how feelings can affect people’s bodies and how they behave.

- understanding how to recognise what others might be feeling.

- recognising different feelings that humans can experience.

- knowing that bodies and feelings can be hurt by words and actions. 


We will plan a journey for a programmable toy and use information technology to retrieve digital content.



As musicians we will be singing songs that can help us sequence key events that take place through the day.


This half term we will be working hard to develop our Fundamental Movement Skills. The skills we will be focusing on are: jumping and landing, bouncing with control and rolling a ball with accuracy through a target. We will also be working hard on our concentration skills and setting ourselves personal challenges.

British Value and RRS:

We will develop our understanding of British Values further by linking them through our learning and in our assembly times. 

Learning Outside the Classroom

We will continue to use our school grounds and the local environment to aid our learning and provide rich, first hand experiences to help us understand the world around us, our place in it and how we can affect it. Keep an eye out for photos of what we learn outside.

Children using geography learning to work out what weather it is.
