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RE Trips & Visits

R.E. Trips and Visits

Throughout the year, children from every class will visit different places of worship and have visitors of different faiths visit school. These will include: a Mosque, Church, a Buddhist Temple in Burnley, a Sikh Gurdwara in Preston, a Hindu Temple and a Synagogue in Manchester.

This will help to develop our understanding of other faiths in our community. Here are some of the comments that the children made about the visits last year:


“It was peaceful!” (Y4 at the Church)

“The activities were fun and told us all about different religions.” (Y5 at the Faith Centre)

“The role play was good. We imagined what it might be like during prayer time in a synagogue.”    (Y5 at the Synagogue)

“I liked how links were made to Islam and I now understand the importance of the Torah to Jews.” (Y5 at the Synagogue)

“We liked it when we thought about the qualities of a leader with Bea (it helped when we thought of Mother Teresa.)” (Y3 Faith Centre visitors to school)

“We enjoyed dressing up as different characters from the nativity story.” (Reception at the Church)

“We thought about when we were tempted to do the wrong thing.” (Y2 at the Faith Centre)
